Who is Seth Green?
Green created, directed, wrote, and produced the adult animated comedy series Robot Chicken and its spinoffs (2005–2022), which have earned him three Primetime Emmy Awards and five Annie Awards . Seth Benjamin Gesshel-Green was born in Overbrook Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Barbara (Gesshel) and Herbert Green.Is Seth Benjamin Green Jewish?
Seth Benjamin Gesshel-Green was born in Overbrook Park, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, the son of Barbara (Gesshel) and Herbert Green. He has one sister, Kaela. Green later legally changed his name to Seth Benjamin Green. He was raised Jewish and had a Bar Mitzvah ceremony. His ancestors were from Russia, Poland, and Scotland.How many episodes does Seth Green have?
As of May 2021, he voiced the character on 369 episodes in 19 seasons. The twentieth season will air on 26 September 2021. Seth Green is an award-winning actor, voice actor, director, writer, and producer, best known for his works in the Austin Powers film series Family Guy and Robot Chicken.Will Seth Green make a feature film 'Changeland'?
"Seth Green to Make Feature Film Directorial Debut With 'Changeland' ". Variety. ^ "Todo 360 Voice". Behind the Voice Actors.